Networking is BS

Let’s get real about networking. Networking does not get you “connections.” Networking does get you business cards. Pieces of paper with people’s names, companies, and contact information. Networking does not…

Why They Say To Follow Your Passions

You hear it time and time again, follow your passions and you will more than likely be successful. But has anyone really stopped to ask why that is? Why is…

Poet to Watch: Peter LaBerge

Poet to watch: Peter LaBerge grew up Connecticut. He is a second-year undergraduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, where he studies English and Consumer Psychology as a member of the…

Artist to Watch: Clark and the Community

  “Artist to Watch: Clark & the Community”… …is an interview with singer/songwriter/producer Chris.Clark (just say “Chris Clark”). Chris has been making music since a teenager, producing music that blends soulful samples…

What Every Startup Should Live By

“Ghandi once said that “your habits become your values and your values become your destiny.” Now apply that to your business. When you’re starting a business there are formalities you…