Your Passion Is Your Business

Launched in 2013 for the simple purpose of socially connecting people with the faces behind local craft beer. There are a lot of great beers coming out of the great…

The Importance Of Community

The goal of this social experiment was to send a message to only 10 different groups of friends of Glappitnova within 48hrs before NYE and to see what would happened….

10 Inspirational Quotes for the New Year

Sometimes hearing the right word might help spark that light needed for your journey. We searched the web, and these quotes seem to be very meaningful for our community. Check…

Tips on Running A Business by Owners of Coast 10

Coast 10™ is a creative brand started by Paul Weaver and Nick Sandish. “Relying on teamwork, individualism, and unique artwork. We strive hard to showcase our traits in everyday lifestyle…

12 Quotes That Matter

Here are some great quotes to keep you on track. Yes, quotes matter. For the simple fact that you can apply them to your daily activities, and lifestyle. In order…

Words Really Inspire

We found some awesome quotes that should help you on your journey through life. Sometimes hearing, or reading the right words can be that light in your current darkness. It…

11 Weird Hacks & Facts via: @theweirdworld

Here are some pretty awesome, very interesting, and weird knowledge to think about. Don’t think too hard, but they sure did catch our attention. Hopefully this is beneficial for you….