Habits of the Successful

You ever wonder how the successful get, well successful? To most it seems as if an overnight phenomenon takes over and the next day, success is knocking at the door….

Networking is BS

Let’s get real about networking. Networking does not get you “connections.” Networking does get you business cards. Pieces of paper with people’s names, companies, and contact information. Networking does not…

Crawling Your Way to Success

One of my former directors used to make a big deal about small wins. One time we were working late preparing for a big presentation the next day. It wasn’t going…

Poet To Watch: Javier Zamora

Javier Zamora was born in La Herradura, El Salvador. At the age of nine he immigrated to the “Yunaited Estais.” He is a CantoMundo fellow and a Breadloaf scholarship recipient…

Is Competition Healthy?

Lately, I’ve been asking myself “Is competition healthy?” and I suppose I mean is it always healthy? This is a short exploration of why this question has been on my…

History, the perpetual mentor

Wouldn’t it be nice to press the easy button and know exactly what it takes to be successful? New entrepreneurs can spend years stumbling through the dark while trying to…

When You Live Unbound You’re Limitless

Before it was even called Glappitnova, in 2011 we hit up the talented filmmaker Yali Sharon Founder of Live Unbound and asked him why, and what? Yali Sharon (not pictured…