When You Live Unbound You’re Limitless

Before it was even called Glappitnova, in 2011 we hit up the talented filmmaker Yali Sharon Founder of Live Unbound and asked him why, and what?


Yali Sharon (not pictured above) was the original creator of the “Thank God I’m Alive” uploaded youtube video having over several million views. The original video is deleted, but a movement of limitless was spawned. With the amount of exposure from video it helped Yali launch Live Unbound into another stratosphere. Being a successful filmmaker and thrill-seeker, his previous work has been screened in major festivals, including Tribeca and Sundance. He’s worked as an editor for MTV, Bravo and SpikeTV, some shows such as Baldwin Hills, Harlem Heights, and True Life. We were curious to know what is Live Unbound, and why create it. Here’s what Yali had to say.



“I am the Founder of LiveUnbound; an organization that exists to inspire, motivate and energize anyone who is striving to discover what they’re truly capable of. When you “Live Unbound” you free yourself from your limitations and have the courage to follow your intuition even when it leads you off the well worn path. It feels risky but you wake up excited everyday, as your desires guide you to new adventures.

This way of living has greatly benefited my life so naturally I had a desire to share it. I know there are so many people living unfulfilled lives controlled by pressure and not passion. But as human beings we have the incredible ability to overcome and flourish regardless of our circumstances. I’m just trying to prove that.”

Getting out of my comfort zone, taking a leap of faith and making the switch from a “craftsman” to (who I really am) an “artist”. Being a “craftsman” is a very respectable profession where an employee is working for an employer who is in control of the outcome. When I say “artist” I mean someone who is innovating, not following the status quo and working for themselves. It took a lot of courage to make this switch but it has been well worth it.”


[fbvideo link=https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=663798417057767&set=vb.309306302506982&type=2&theater]

 photo source



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