3 Daily Steps to Instantly Change Your Frame

Recently, I’ve been trying to incorporate some new routines in my day. I’m trying to do 30 minutes of uninterrupted reading and writing every morning. Additionally, just 5 minutes of meditation. I’ve been using Calm.com and the Calm app on my phone. I recommend checking it out. But the most recent practice has dramatically changed my everyday perspective for the better? It all starts with the concept of framing. Author and social engineer, Neil Strauss might define framing like this:

“A frame is the context or belief through which a person, situation, or a conversation is perceived”.

And here’s the best part. You’re completely in control of your frame if you choose to be. It’s really simple, too. Everyday, before you do anything else, either write down, say to yourself (or aloud) the following 3 things:

ONE: 3 things you’re grateful for

It can be as simple as it being sunny outside. Gratitude influences your attitude. There’s always going to be someone where you want to be, someone where you are and someone where you used to be.Grounded is somewhere between hubris and humility. Try to identify 3 things you’re grateful for everyday. It shouldn’t be hard, either.

TWO: 2 things you’re excited about today

I think we should approach everyday with excitement. Am I right? If not, then what’s the point. If you’re frustrated at work, with being single, or at the weather, you can choose to be excited anyway. Maybe about searching for new job opportunities, meeting new people or staying in and watching Netflix at the end of the day. Again, it’s up to you.

THREE: 1 thing you’re going to try to do better today than you did yesterday

My mantra is that we just need to get better everyday. If you want to improve your position, with patience, persistence, and hard work you’ll get there eventually. The only benchmark is yesterday.

Arthur Ashe astutely said “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can”.

Will Smith lays down the law.

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Brent Trotter
Communications Consultant
Brent is a Freelance Communications Consultant and Writer. As a consultant, he specializes in Content Marketing and Strategy. He writes about Professional and Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and well, Writing -- meta, I know. You can find him at http://bgtrotter.com.
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