Announcing Biomedical Engineer and Creative Ellora Sen-Gupta on Boston Committee

Ellora Sen-Gupta is a biomedical engineer, voiceover artist,  photographer, world traveler, sister, animal enthusiast, reader, maker, and am forever excited to learn and be so much more.  We are super excited to have Ellora on the Glappitnova global committee focusing on the Boston market and beyond.

Ellora Sen-Gupta was raised in Australia and New Zealand before moving to the US at a young age. Through her curiosity, she set out to capture global perspectives through a creative medium. Very early on, Ellora was eager to expand her creative outlets alongside her academic interests, which is something she believes is very important through her work today. Her current challenge is figuring out how to balance practicality, creativity, and well-being in her life since she’s definitely prone to trying to do it all very well.

She is also part of an upcoming RAW Boston show/fair featuring all sorts of powerful artists and creatives.



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