Announcing Entertainment Podcaster Brian Hunter On The Global Committee

Glappitnova unlocks human potential and we are super excited to have Brian Hunter on the Glappitnova global committee. Brian Hunter previously produced along with co-host Brittany Chandler the podcaster unite session at Glappitnova. 

Brian Hunter is co-host of the #1 podcast in Chicago, Alternative Facts Chicago. B.Hun obtained a Bachelor’s Degree at Central Michigan University in the field of Business Administration. Originally from Detroit, he moved to Chicago and became a technical Technical Recruiter in 2011. B.Hun is a 4x award winner for performance within Hays Global, a global technology recruitment firm. Hays is the #1 Most Socially Engaged Global Staffing Firm in 2016 by LinkedIn. B.Hun had an internship at a Top 40 Radio Station in Michigan one Summer, always having a passion for radio. He started Alternative Facts Chicago in 2017, expanding his knowledge and love for media. With hard work and determination, the show became the #1 podcast in Chicago in just one year.

Alternative Facts Chicago has been ranked on the Itunes Comedy Charts, have done many live podcasts, been a part of the Chicago Podcast Festival in 2017, been a recurring guest on NBC Sports Radio, and have been media guests for festivals such as Spring Awakening, Mamby on the Beach, Movement Detroit, and Prime Music Festival. The show has also featured guests such as Music Artist Sammy Adams, Reality TV Star Leroy Garrett from MTV the Challenge, former WWE Wrestler Colt Cabana, Basketball Pioneer Rashad Phillips and much more.

Everything Glappitnova does is rooted in authentically bringing different types of people together in funky ways. Glappitnova is a multi-channel platform with millennial influencers, community leaders, changemakers, and mid-level – director level professionals unlocking human potential. We collide these fascinating minds, perspectives, opportunities, lifestyles, resources, and industries into intimate, unusual, and unique locations paired with content creation and engaging experiences. Our culture is real, unfiltered, and engaging.  In return, our audience and partners grow, discover, share and connect to a whole new world typically outside of their reach. We do not endorse the perspectives, lifestyles, or opinions of people we showcase, highlight, or unite.

Photo: Royal Media



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