Empathy, Experiences, and Impact, Announcing Jeffrey Shiau On The Global Committee

Jeffrey Shiau creates media and programs that help busy doers and creators pause, and reflect on other stuff that matters just as much. We are super excited to have Jeffrey on the global committee impacting the Bay Area markets and more. Glappitnova is all about getting outside of your bubble organically bringing different types of backgrounds and perspectives into the same space. This unlocks human potential making the world more engaging and inclusive. 
Jeffrey advocates for deeper reflection that inspires people to have more curiosity, empathy, and compassion for themselves, and for others. He believes that talented entrepreneurs that practice these reflections, also spend time on better ideas with diverse, positive impacts. For 10 years, Jeff has worked closely with impact entrepreneurs and investor communities, developing strategies focused on whole view returns in profits, community, social, health, and the environment.
Glappitnova unites talented folks from all backgrounds and perspectives into the same room in different cities making the world more engaging and inclusive. Since 2013, our ecosystem of untraditional experiences has provided a talented audience for your voice to be heard, displayed, or challenged. We do not endorse the perspectives, lifestyles, or opinions of people we showcase, highlight, or unite. Check out our experience page with more in-depth information.



Content Team at Glappitnova
We bring people and perspectives together.
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