Former Hate Extremist Turned Peace Advocate Speaks At Glappitnova

Christian Picciolini is an Emmy® Award-winning television producer, a prolific public speaker, a published author, and a reformed extremist. His work and life purpose are born of an ongoing and profound need to atone for a grisly past, and to make something of his time on this planet by contributing to the greater good. Check out his session at Glappitnova where he goes into what convinced him to join that movement and why he left. 

After leaving the violent far-right hate movement he was part of during his youth, he began the painstaking process of rebuilding his life. Christian earned a degree in International Relations from DePaul University, began his own global entertainment media firm, and was appointed a member of the Chicago Grammy Rock Music Committee and board member for the Chicago Intl. Movies and Music Festival.




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