Fine Artist Jason Guo Challenges Religion At The Big Night Showcase

Chinese American fine artist Xiangshen Jason Guo challenges you to dig deeper. His selected pieces will tackle issues associated with humanity, Earth, and God at The Big Night Showcases July 13th, and July 14th to help spark welcoming intellectual conversations among attendees.  We are extremely excited to have Jason as one of the selected artists showcasing work at the Big Night Showcases. His work is available for future purchase.

One of Jason’s pieces entitled “Being Creative” has the entire 50 chapters of the Book of Genesis printed on a 37” x 45” mirror symbolizing the viewer as part of the creation of life. He will also be involved in the panel discussion “Artists Speaking Out held July 14th at The Big Night Showcase #2.”

Jason is a Chinese American artist currently working in Chicago with a focus on visual communications and sculpture. He has exhibited works both in Canada and the United States, including Aqua Miami Art Fair, The National Gallery of Canada, and more. Outside of being an artist he also the co-founder of the contemporary boutique gallery known as Maybe Sunday Inc. which is a platform for artists and designer entrepreneurs in Chicago.

“The Book Of Genesis centers around themes of creation. Men, women, emotions, nations, and the world as we know it was the product of this creative process.  The idea that everything around us had a ‘beginning’ and was ‘created’ by something or someone really fascinated me. For example, the chair I am currently sitting on is created by a person using steel screws, wood, and leather.  We cannot escape our creative nature, we are constantly creating new things, whether it is art, chairs, babies, spreadsheets, whatever, you have no choice but to create for the rest of your life until you die. ” – Jason Guo

Show him some support by showing up, and interacting with the diverse audience of entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, activists, athletes, and extremely talented individuals spanning all industries at The Big Night Showcases. Ticket prices increase June 11th, and July 1st 2016.

You can view more of his work here.

The Big Night Showcases (July 13th, July 14th)

This is our signature event involving 10 minute storytelling, performances, art installations, 50 minute panels, and more surprises. You will be able to meet investors, hangout with cultural influencers, and even bust out a few dance moves with some of the participants. Each room will be designed differently with selected artwork from local artists. The drinks will be flowing and the DJ will keep you dancing.




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