All You Need Is Seven Suit Essentials

This month we will be discussing the seven essentials to a proper suit ensemble. Like Drake, we will be “starting from the bottom.”  Shoes, in our opinion, are the most important pieces of a proper suit. Take a seat, because what’s on your feet is where we begin.

Shoes: The right pair of shoes can set the tone for any suit.  Double Monk Strap shoes, like the featured here by Gordon Rush. We chose these because of their understated impact. Double Monk Strap shoes are subtly loud and have made an impeccable come back over the past couple of years. Double Monk Strap shoes are a must have for anyone’s wardrobe.

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Trousers: This month’s featured trousers are the Tailored Slim-Fit Navy Italian Wool Suit Trouser from Banana Republic. The importance of the trousers falls more on its tailored fit. Later this month, we’ll discuss the various styles of men’s trousers in further detail.

Jacket: As we all know, the trouser and suit jacket are attached at the hip, literally. This is the most recognized article of the essential seven and is considered the focal point of the suit.  The jacket unifies all aspects of the suit and brings an understanding to your personal style pursuit or statement. September’s featured suit jacket is a Tailored-Fit Navy Italian Wool Suit Jacket from Banana Republic. There are various fits, styles, accents, and opportunities when it comes to the suit jacket.

Shirt: Sheltered by the jacket is the shirt. The shirt beats to the sound of its own drum. Like the shoes, the shirt sets the tone of the ensemble, making the outfit either casual or professional. The shirt connects the tie and the suit’s accessories. This month’s featured shirt is a Slim Fit Non-Iron French Cuff Royal Oxford from Banana Republic.

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Tie: In our opinion, the tie is the most fun aspect of the suit.  Some may disagree, but we view the tie as a bridge  between the suit and its accessories. The tie, for the most part, coordinates with the shirt. September’s featured tie is from SUITSUPPLY.

Accessories: Last but not least, accessories are an avenue for you to showcase your identity without having to follow any preconceived fashion rules. They allow you to add your own unique style to any outfit and let your personality shine. Featured here is a pocket square from H&M and a lapel flower from hook & ALBERT.

Fashionably Expressed,

Lamar Samuels

Glappitnova unites influencers, and talent from different industries through storytelling, performances, classes, and events for one crazy 8 day experience in Chicago. The opinions expressed here by Glappitnova.com contributors are their own, not those of Glappitnova.com.



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