The Starting Five To Success

In the game of basketball, the rules state that a team shall not have more than five players legally on the playing court to participate. In extremely rare cases, teams have finished games with only three or four players on the court, but they’re not as powerful, versatile, or competitive as the original starting five. Five strong players allow each individual to play different positions, utilizing their own set of strengths, skills, and experiences to collectively bring their team a win. In life and in business, it’s crucial to have your own starting five – a group of individuals who all play an important role to achieve a common goal. Whether it’s starting a new business, or your closest group of friends, these are the players you should consider in your starting five.

The Visionary

The visionary player is the dreamer. They can see ahead and connect the dots to see the bigger picture. Visionaries are always open to new insights. These new insights will lead to experimenting, which will ultimately lead to a breakthrough, or the next big thing! Aside from visionaries bringing a vast imagination to the team, they have conviction that their dreams can and will come true. Once they see it, they believe they have it, and chances are, they’re right.

The Hustle Player

This hustle player is hungry for success and won’t hesitate to dive after loose balls. They give 100% mainly because of their “we have nothing to lose, and everything to gain” mentality. They’re fearless, ambitious, vibrant, and probably the recent grad on your squad. Their fresh insights and willingness to learn can be what your team needs to remain balanced, inspired, and open to connecting with the right people to take your business to the next level.

The Conscientious Player

The conscientious player counters rejection with resilience. They refuse to give up and work diligently to find solutions when facing setbacks. You need this player on your team because even the most successful people and businesses sometimes fail. This player is able to control their impulses and bring organization to chaos. You’ll need their optimistic energy to rub off on the rest of the team when roadblocks surface.

The Financial Player

This player is financially literate, which is a much-valued strength. They can master a budget, set realistic financial goals, and operate pivot tables within Excel as if they’re teaching a course. This player pays great attention to detail; they’re accurate and dependable. You’ll need them to analyze industry assumptions, create optimistic forecasts, and partner with you to create a plan for financial success. They can help source start-up capital, decide between a fixed or a variable rate loan, and if you’re unfamiliar with Sarbanes – Oxley, you’ll certainly need this player down the line.

The Experienced Player

The experienced player will be the leader within the team because of their wisdom and expertise. This player will understand the business and how to win. The team will look up to them and will rarely hesitate to follow their lead in the event that debatable decisions need to be made. They will guide and challenge the rest of the team, as well as require things that the other team members may be unsure about how to complete. This person is passionate and possibly the most valuable player on your team.

Together, these five diverse players will unite to build a strong, well-prepared team. You will conquer innovation, develop new business plans, and navigate the ins and outs of everyday life. Who’s in your starting five?

Are you coming to “The Big Night” showcase July 9th? It’s going to be awesome with all sorts of amazing storytellers from different industries, performers, and of course partying options in one location. Ticket prices will increase, and you don’t want to miss out. Get one today while you can.


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Brittany Applegate
Advertising professional who has worked on many major brands including Corona, Modelo, Miller Lite, Coors Light, and Nike Chicago. She is also the creator of BABlvd, a digital strategist, and content creator.
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