Charles, The Ford Model Reshaping Chicago’s Music Scene

If you’ve experienced the Chicago music scene you know about the extremely talented Charles Coffeen. Charlie is a musician, artist, adjunct faculty member at Columbia College, and Ford Model based in Chicago. His session at Glappitnova’s The Big Night Chicago Showcase #1 July 13th will involved some storytelling and a performance.

He currently tours full-time with the 8-piece hip-hop/soul/jazz band Sidewalk Chalk as the band’s leader and keyboardist, and leads a weekly improvisational jam session in Chicago’s Wicker Park. This in-demand sideman, arranger, and studio musician in Chicago has acted as music director on international shows and having composed music for TV and film. They have a cool Kickstarter campaign currently going on regarding their new album. Check it out.

What Happens At Glappitnova

The beauty of being at the Glappitnova global celebration July 7th – 14th  is you never know exactly what you’re going to get outside of the pure intellectual and experiential bliss ranging from storytelling, performances, art installations, parties, and panels in an underground environment. We smash it all together uniting extremely talented people spanning all industries at our Big Night Chicago Showcases July 13th, and July 14th 2016. Charles is going to crush it at Glappitnova’s The Big Night Showcase July 13th 2016. Make sure to get your ticket now.



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